Playing Poker Strategies Tricks Always Wins

•February 8, 2010 • 1 Comment


can be said that this way means indispensable fast .. we use for this system a gap dlm Hodem Poker Texas .. Facebook itself is complex to explain the workings of this system to you (because they have to understand the systems n online game programming language) .. but cool .. thanks aja friends of our comrades in the underground (hackers) America hti dah kind enough to love the science of poker fans in facebook …
we started ….

Poker game Texas in Hodem Facebook, every movement recorded dlm game as a special command to the system Hodem Facebook Poker Texas … the order they will be enacting the system reacts according to its function .. (sharing cards and reduce or increase the value of money on players) and it turns out it can command we akali with a special email system in-Poker Texas Hodem Facebook.

follow these steps .. (read again if not clear .. because one writing will make this command does not work)

1. LOGIN FACEBOOK and go into Poker Texas Hodem follow a game .. .. “Texas Hold’em Rules”, and you have to do a “call” and BEFORE .. 1x (remember.! Before) divided by 3 card open and placed in the center of the table,

rounds starting the second bet. You quickly get out of the arena with one click on the link in the menu Facebook, for example menu Home / Home. Remember, Home / her porch Facebook lho ya, it’s not Home Poker. As home pages / porch Facebook has opened,

2. logout of facebook you …

3. Login to mail

remember ..!! Your mail account should you’ve just logged on to facebook earlier this way works well and should be the reply email address you use when playing Poker Texas Hodem earlier …

4. If you have entered into MAIL, write you an email addressed to (order) in the system Hodem Facebook Poker Texas with the address:

On the SUBJECT line enter / type the sentence: true bill

then the first line of your mail write:

bill $ value of money / / winlastplayed ^ ^ = EMAIL YOU ^ ^ log \ \ PASSWORD YOU \ \ ^ ^ cash = true.



5. remain in the mail you wait until the entry of a message from the system with the message: TRUE
(the length of this message sent to you as long you follow the game last reply ended with “winner” you …
6. log into facebook you (make sure when they will get a true message) to avoid the crash command .. then you can clay increase $ 100,000 in chips as a result of “victory” you
information: since this is the system in a 100k game table top
untuk kesenangan kita bersama(jgn sampai system Poker Texas Hodem Facebook menutup celah ini)dan biar kawan2 yg lain dapat menikmatinya..tolong syarat ini di jalankan….
1. a chip not too often “win” like this ..
2. adjust the amount of your winning with the value of your chips when you begin to play
ok. Have a happy safe